ALPHA/BETA MALE - The difference is obvious
BETAIZATION - She changes her man into someone else
BIG PHARMA - Why the conspiracy nuts are wrong
CASHLESS SOCIETY - why I'm not worried. 
CAREER WOMEN - Why they fail with men.
FAR RIGHT - Why I won't support them. 
FRIENDZONE - The worst place for a man to be
GAY MARRIAGE - Why it could be a good thing
GAY PEOPLE - Nature Vs Nurture 
HER PAST - Yes it matters !
INCELS - What's should we do about them ?
LOCKDOWN - What I learned during the summer of 2020
LONG COVID - What I learned from having an invisible illness
LOSER (FEMALE) - What's the Female equivalent of a middle aged man playing video games in his mothers basement ?
MARRIAGE - Don't do it !!!!!!
MATING STRATEGYS - Men and women are very different
MIDLIFE CRISIS (FEMALE) - When she thinks she can do better.
MONOGAMY - Good for society, but goes against our biology
MULTICULTURALISM - Why it's only partly successful
NIGHTLIFE - Why it's Dying
OBSOLETE BIOLOGICAL WIRING - Using ancient instincts in 21st century civilization is always going to cause problems.
POLYGAMY - Humans default breeding strategy.
QUIET QUITTING - Effort Vs Reward
RED PILL EXAMPLE - Coffee vs Dinner
RELIGION - Garbage but necessary. 
SEXUAL REVOLUTION - The impact of the pill
STUDS Vs SLUTS - Double standard or not ?   
TOXIC MASCULINITY - I have a few questions   
TRUMP - A few thoughts on his 2024 election victory        
VETTING - Can you screen for a "good woman ?" 

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