"A woman can be 45 years old, still living with her parents, earning minimum wage at Macdonald's, having no ambitions in life other than watching trash TV. Yet society still won't label her a loser"
We are all familiar with the concept of a male loser. The middle aged video game player who is overweight and lives in his mothers basement. So in the interest of balance it's only fair that we define a female equivalent. Here are several factors that contribute to a female being a "loser".
The only 100% exception I'd make to this was if a woman was widowed. I'd make a partial exception if her children were at least teenagers and her split with their dad was amicable.
She picked her child's dad over hundreds of other men who propositioned her throughout her adult life. If he's a deadbeat, she split from him while the children were young (she couldn't "fix" him), or even worse multiple baby daddies. This screams out LOSER.
Very attractive in her 20s but her life's a mess in middle age.
She won a genetic lottery that should have landed her an easy life such as marrying a rich banker. Instead she squandered her prime years on players and bad boys. The female equivalent of Michael Carroll.
Her dating profile is a long list of demands.
She's desperately trying to give the impression that she's high value and can afford to be so picky. She goes on lots of first dates but hardly ever seems to be in a relationship. It's the equivalent to putting a showroom price tag on a 10 year old car. She then claims to be Single because men don't meet her above unrealistic demands or can't handle a "strong independent women". The reality is that a high value man has far better options. Bonus points for Marilyn Monroe quote on her Facebook profile.
A variation on this theme is bragging about all the men she rejects. Such as the socially awkward guy or the one who didn't own a car. High value women (young, attractive, childless, pleasant to be around) get more offers and therefore reject more men than anyone else. Yet it's only the older women who feel the need to broadcast their rejections on social media.
Constantly brags about how "strong and independent" she is.
Bonus points for "I don't need a man". A look at her dating profile will usually say "online today". Go figure!!!
Will try to use her successful career as a selling point (that men don't care about).
Celeb Jones busts the strong independent woman myth here. Strong, Independent Woman? Are You Sure That's What You Are? - Alpha Male 2.0 (alphamale20.com)
Has a meltdown when men reject her.
The second she meets a man who (nearly) satisfies her insane checklist of demands but he rejects her, she explodes. He's a shallow misogynist for wanting a young, slim, childless woman without mental health issues.
Gives off a general man hating vibe / Feminist.
She doesn't actually hate "all men" but her own inability to attract high value men and get them to stick around for the long term. When the last dozen men have all pumped and dumped her she never considers the fact that she doesn't have the personality to make these men want to stick around.
Posts "advice" that she'd never follow herself.
3AM thoughts, relationship quotes, she spent her entire adult life doing the exact opposite and only wants to do the "right thing" now she's pushing 40 and got some deadbeats kids in toe.
Promotes fat acceptance.
A condition that kills around 85 people a day in the UK. She'd never date a fat man and often posts photos of lean muscular male models as her ideal.
Uses the phrase "real man".
Standard social blackmail that always describes a man who she would never have dated in her 20s. Also accurately describes a slave.
Uses the word "Incel" as an insult.
This is worth a separate post all by itself.
Pretends to care about men's issues.
Sometimes she takes a break from man hating to share a viral post on male suicide. Advising men to be open about their feelings and problems. Despite the fact she would never date a man who does this. A week later she takes down her "be kind" logo and goes back to bragging about how she dumped the socially awkward guy on the first date.
If you deleted all the women on social media who have a #BeKind emblem on their profile photo. Then you'll be left only with women who may actually be genuinely kind and not self absorbed attention seekers.
Endless selfies.
She has a pretty face, but it reeks of desperation when she changes her profile picture every week. She has the same desperate men telling her "she's beautiful" or similar. Who of course she will never date in a million years. Bonus points for strategic face shots that hide her not so attractive figure.
At the gym posts .
But she hasn't lost an ounce of her ample fat in the past year.
Has no real interests in life.
Except trash TV such as The Kardashians, Big brother, Geordie Shores. Especially shows like Love island that give completely unrealistic perceptions on dating and relationships.
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