"If all women categorically refused to sleep with violent criminals, male crime would drop by 80-90% overnight"

The majority of UK primary school teachers are female, with a third not having a single male teacher. There has also been a massive increase in the number of boys being raised by single mothers. Could it be that lack of masculinity rather than "toxic masculinity" is the actual problem ?

The above mentioned female teachers show obvious bias against boys and give lower grades for the same standard of work. When even the BBC admits this you know there's a problem. Why is there no backlash against this instead of blaming boys all the time ?

I was often ridiculed at school especially around the age of 13 -14 for things such as. Being socially awkward, having unusual hobbies and my parents not being able to afford fashionable clothing. Why is this behaviour considered "toxic" when it comes out the mouths of other boys but not from girls of which there were plenty ?

A common example given of "toxic masculinity" is male violence against females. Why is this taken and punished more seriously than other forms of violence ? For example
* A group of people ganging up on a single person.
* A bigger stronger person hitting a smaller weaker person.
* A female hitting a male, usually it's the male gets punished when he acts in self defence.

Why is male violence and aggression condemned as "toxic" by women who will then complain if men don't use violence to protect them against an aggressive attacker ?

A common example given of "toxic masculinity" is telling boys that "real men cry and open up about their feelings". So why was it when I did this at school I was often mocked and ridiculed by the FEMALE TEACHERS I reported bullying to for many years ? Numerous social experiments show that when a male shows weakness at the hands of a female he is mocked and ridiculed Social experiment into men and women abusing each other in public. "Male abuser" is instantly stopped. People pile on him. "Female abuser" is encouraged, people join in & smile.

Why are issues like the above completely ignored in favour of blaming "toxic masculinity" or "boys not crying" ?

Why is there no backlash against women who actively reward some of the most genuinely toxic men in society such as murderers, drug dealers and other criminals ?
 From Ted Bundy to Charles Manson: Why women fall in love with serial killers - Mirror Online 

Why do those who promote so called "healthy masculinity" it always consists of placing the female above the male in all situations, never being aggressive or dominating the conversation ?

Give examples of where men can openly criticise female behaviour WITHOUT being labelled "toxic" or "misogynistic" ?

The modern man is bombarded with the message that he should be an emotionally open, nice guy on the feminist path. Only to be ignored, ridiculed, friend zoned and used for resources by women. A third of the women you date are only in it for free food: study ( Some of these men out of anger and frustration look for help at the Incel sites on 4chan or turn to genuinely toxic men like Andrew Tate. By labelling normal male behaviours as "toxic" you are ultimately creating the very monster you are trying to avoid. How would you respond to this ?

If a man announces that he prefers playing video games to playing rugby, why is it "toxic masculinity" for other men to mock him for rejecting a traditionally masculine activity. But perfectly acceptable for women to mock him for playing video games ?

Why is it wrong for men to judge women on their sexual history but perfectly fine for women to use the word INCEL as an insult against men regardless of if it's actually true or not ?

Why is so called "slut shaming" not an issue when women do it to each other ?

Why is it "toxic" for men to brag about bedding loads of women when it literally takes "2 to tango" ? Women often have no issues dating men full in the knowledge they have used and discard dozens of other women previously.

Your bank, insurance company and employer will judge you on your past for obvious reasons. Why is it "toxic masculinity" for men to judge women on their past ? Especially when choosing a life long partner with the potential to bring children in the world with. The consequences for getting it wrong are severe. 

Toxic Masculinity: Definition and Examples (

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