"The lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible." Colttaine

A common situation for a middle aged woman who is married or in a serious long term relationship. Things are getting a little bit stale with her partner and the thought creeps into her head that life must be better than this.

She may see her married friends divorcing their husbands, or join her single friends on girls nights out. This will further encourage her to leave her partner instead of attempting to fix the relationship. She may sleep around for a short time but will ultimately attempt to find a new relationship thinking she can do better than the man that she left.

Last time she was free and single was often over a decade ago. So all she remembers is men falling over themselves for a chance to date her. While she may have no problem obtaining men for one night stands and short term flings. Getting a man, especially a high value man to stick around with a middle aged woman often with kids in tow is difficult if not impossible.

Even in the case of Louise Redknapp who was once voted the "sexiest woman alive" by readers of a men's magazine. Has sunk to the depths of complaining about men ghosting her on dating apps. Her ex of course had no problem moving on to another woman. She literally threw away a lifetime marriage for a bit of short term fun and trying to resurrect a music career that had been dead for around 2 decades.

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