"For every top warrior and hunter that has 4 wives means 3 men are going to go without...that's just tournament life bro" COLTTAINE - YOUTUBE
Lifelong monogamous marriage has only existed for the last few thousand years. Without it the top ranking men reproduced with multiple women. We see this today with indigenous cultures especially in places like Africa. Polygamy remains common and mostly legal in West Africa | West Africa Gateway | Portail de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (west-africa-brief.org)
According to DNA studies at least twice as many women reproduced at men. Strong gender differences in reproductive success variance, and the times to the most recent common ancestors - PubMed (nih.gov) At some point around 8000 years ago this ratio grew to 17 to 1. 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man - Pacific Standard (psmag.com)
The history books tell us of a small number of highly prolific men who had dozens if not hundreds of wives and concubines. One of the most famous examples being Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan's genetic legacy has competition | Nature
When the "top men" take multiple women it means multiple "lesser men" are going to go without. These men are not only deprived of sex and watch the top men get it all. But also have no incentive to invest in social stability and as a result theses society's are violent and unstable.
You don't have to look any further than the middle east where Islam allows 1 man to take 4 wives. It's never these men with multiple wives joining extreme groups like ISIS or blowing themselves up (for the promise of women in the next life).
Monogamy and Violence | Psychology Today United Kingdom
Polygynous Neighbors, Excess Men, and Intergroup Conflict in Rural Africa - Carlo Koos, Clara Neupert-Wentz, 2020 (sagepub.com)
Likewise it's always single, lonely celibate men doing the school shootings in America and never the captain of the sports team who is banging all the cheerleaders.
RECOMMENDED VIEWING 27:50 - 33:20 Of Monkeys and Men by Colttaine https://youtu.be/BqiSwahrfZE?t=1670
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