I discovered the manosphere at the age of 39 after being blindsided by the sudden breakup of a 4 year relationship. (
So you can't accuse me of being an Incel) I was searching for online dating tips at the time, what I learned was in direct contradiction to everything I'd been told about dating and relationships throughout my life. 

I'd describe myself as mostly MGTOW, I reject marriage and live in relationships but occasionally engage in casual dating. I have no interest in trying to "fix society", but accepting the way it is, adjust my life choices and expectations accordingly. I'm a quiet quitter when it comes to relationships. 

I'm not a men's rights activist, I may often agree with what they are saying but I believe the concept of activism is a waste of time.

I'm not a pickup artist, I have used a few techniques from them for the above mentioned casual dating. I have nothing against them in general as it's a necessary evil in modern dating. Ultimately it works in the short term but not the long term.

I'm not a right wing / conservative / traditionalist. While I acknowledge that society was better off overall when traditional marriage was enforced. I'm also realistic and know that any attempts to take us back to the 1950s by these people will ultimately fail. I have zero opposition to Gay marriage

I'm politically apathetic. I agree with some right wing political issues and also some left wing political issues. Overall I consider politics, political activism and voting to be mostly a waste of time.

I'm not an anarchist or a libertarian. If every government was wiped off the face of the earth today. Human beings would immediately start forming new ones. 

I'm an atheist. I consider religion to be totally irrational superstition. However I have been forced to acknowledge the role religion has played in constraining the worst aspects of human reproductive behaviour. 

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm triple vaccinated against covid, I believe man made climate change is a serious issue that we should do something about. I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job or anything else that implies the world is being controlled by a small group of rich powerful old men sitting in a smoke filled room. Most relevant to the manosphere I believe feminism can be explained through natural processes. I reject the Paleo diet and hard core veganism in equal measure. I don't believe the elites are trying to poison us with Soy. I have no issue with consuming insects, genetically modified foods, glyphosate or meat substitutes. 

I reject that that irritating section of the manosphere that preaches you're a loser if you are not approaching 20 women a day, banging 4 on rotation, ripped like a body builder and posing in front of a sports car in Dubai. (The Andrew Tate types)

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