"Don't sacrifice your life, for a problem you didn't cause, for a society that doesn't care about you. For a problem that doesn't have a solution".

Over the last 25 years I have become increasingly aware of people the media calls "far right". Starting with the BNP in the early 2000s, then Britain First, the English defence league and Tommy Robinson. Some of the things they say I firmly agree with, such as highlighting the governments lack of action against the countless undocumented migrants illegally entering our country
However this is outweighed by the illogical actions and beliefs of these people.

They make a lot of noise but have achieved very little. Winning local council elections, having an impressive social media following and high profile street protests. But little in the way of real power or any influence of the policies of mainstream parties. They haven't changed anything especially when it comes to immigration.

Many are ex football hooligans. These people were happy to beat up strangers for the crime of supporting a different football team. Likewise many attend these protests to snort cocaine, drink alcohol and cause a disturbance in the abnormity of a large crowd. 

Cocaine. These people consume above average levels of the drug. Bit hypocritical to accuse restaurants of funding terrorism when they are funding the same in South America. 

They have no answers to the UKs sub replacement birth rate. I have seen articles praising Japan for it's ethnically homogenous, low crime society (true). While completely ignoring the problems such as sky high suicide rates, horrific work/life balance and birth rates so low the country probably won't exist in a century.

They often don't have a clue what they are talking about. Most of those holding "no to Sharia law" banners couldn't even tell you what Sharia law is. Worse still it doesn't take long to read what Sharia law actually says on Wikipedia. Then come up with rational arguments as to why it doesn't belong in our society. Likewise how many have read the Sceptics annotated Quran ? Not many !!!

Grooming gangs. They rightly make a noise about this since it was an absolute scandal. Yet go strangely silent when it's a white Catholic priest doing it or one of their own. Further more Tommy Robinson nearly jeopardised a trial by breaking a courts reporting restrictions.  

The military. They have a strange obsession with glorifying the armed forces while also telling everyone that a disproportionate number of homeless people are armed forces veterans. 

Tommy Robinson. The current poster boy of the movement has a long list of criminal convictions. Ironically while complaining about foreigners who don't obey UK laws. His strategy is to keep breaking the law then complain he's being persecuted. 

They share misinformation. Several examples. 
Things 'Britain First' have got wrong so far in 2016 - ThatsNonsense.com. By all means show real crimes shown by real immigrants. When you have to resort to blatantly making stuff up there's a big problem.

Conspiracy theories. These people often tout WHITE REPLACEMENT THEORY and other things I don't agree with such as Antivaccination and climate change denial. 

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