"The difference between Alpha and beta male is if she reports you to human resources after paying her a compliment at work "
Unfortunately the terms Alpha & Beta male have been hijacked by certain sections of the internet (like this idiot). The misconception is that Alpha males are better and more capable men. The original meaning is in the context of how he is viewed sexually by women. In the modern world women view men using OBSOLETE BIOLOGICAL WIRING and select men for traits that were advantageous 10,000 years ago but make no sense today. Women are often drawn to men with a shady criminal past which of course doesn't make you a "better man" but he gets more sex. Once you look closely the distinction is as clear as night and day. Gender Attraction Differential . Alpha does not mean wealth or business success. There are rich men in champagne bars who are hardly getting a look in off the women. There are also unemployed losers who have multiple women on rotation.
ALPHA often gets sex with the minimum amount of time/effort/money spent on her. BETA frequently gets rejected and only gets sex after multiple dates and demonstration of his long term relationship and provider quality.
An ALPHA hitting on multiple women is "confident" while a BETA doing it is "creepy".
A woman will be oblivious to a BETA giving declarations of undying love. She will turn even the slightest interaction with an ALPHA into hours of fantasy in her head. A woman will cling to the fact that an obvious player stayed for breakfast after a one night stand as "irrefutable proof" that he wanted long term commitment.
Women want a "natural" ALPHA, not a BETA pretending to be alpha. That's why they hate game and pickup artists. Further reading Women’s Existential Fear
A women will have sex with an ALPHA full in the knowledge he will never stick around. She will later settle down with a BETA who'd she would never previously has a one night stand with.
A woman will decide that a BETA is a “loser” within minutes of meeting him. Yet will ignore every red flag that an ALPHA is a cheating, lying, violent, narcissist. Then will play the victim when any relationship with him goes predictably wrong.
One night with an ALPHA who rocked her world will be remembered over years of sacrifice from the most loyal dutiful BETA.
Women break rules for ALPHAS and make rules for BETAS
Women will typically give ALPHAS enthusiastic sex while the BETA she reluctantly settles down with later on will get infrequent, lacklustre, "wife duty" sex.
A woman will risk her job and social status in order to have sex with an ALPHA. Qantas sacks mile-high hostie - ABC News
An ALPHA will often have multiple women chasing him, waiting in the car an hour for his wife to leave for work, fighting, crying, and posting breakup videos about him. A BETA can message 50 women before 1 of them texts him back.
A woman will give an ALPHA lots of "last chances" before leaving him. Her decision to leave a BETA is nearly always final, he is usually only a single mistake from a breakup.
A women will pine over an ALPHA for years or even decades after a breakup or death. This will permanently alter her future behaviour. A BETA will be quickly forgotten about.
A woman will leave an ALPHA because he is an "asshole", A woman will leave a BETA because she is bored. Big difference.
A woman in her prime will often go back to an ALPHA for a one night stand or short term relationship. Even when the relationship ended badly. A woman will only go back to a BETA once she'd hit middle age and her looks/dating options are drying up.
A woman will ask an ALPHA to "stop seeing other women" and become exclusive. A BETA will ask her to "stop seeing other men" and become exclusive.
Women will have friends with benefits arrangements with an ALPHA but never a BETA.
A BETA using ALPHA body language will be accused of "mansplaining".
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