"This election was indeed a referendum on masculinity : Rollo Tomassi "

Personally I have been disillusioned with politics on BOTH SIDES OF THE SPECTRUM for many years now. As an Englishman I find USA politics irritating especially the oversaturation on social media sites like twitter. 
For the record I have many issues with Trump and his sidekicks. Mostly their backward anti science agenda

Firstly you have Trump who promoted Hydroxychloroquine during the covid pandemic. Which never worked, contributed to the countries death toll and was quietly forgotten aboutThen you have Mike Pence, a creationist who also denies that tobacco is harmful

Most scary of all is RFK Jr, lunatic conspiracy theorist and anti vaxer (opposing all vaccines not just the covid one). His misinformation contributed to the deaths in Samoa. Him having a say in the USAs health system scares me more than Iran getting their hands on nuclear weapons.

Away from science you have victims of rape and incest being made to give birth or having to jump through multiple hurdles to get an abortion. This is one of the few issues I actually agree with feminists on. 
The countries policy of giving "any idiot" a gun contributes to 48,000 shooting deaths per year.

The above is what I'd expect from some third world desert hellhole like Somalia or Afghanistan not a first world superpower. That being said you have to acknowledge why people voted for him.

Ordinary men are being treated as second class citizens and are sick of it. Voting for someone like Trump is one of the few ways they can make themselves heard.

Take male suicide for example which happens around 4 times the rate of female suicide. The response to this is the same as for any other issue facing men.
1) Ignore the real causes such as divorce.
2) Blame imaginary causes such as Toxic masculinity
3) Propose solutions that don't work or make the problem worse such as. "Men need to open up about their feelings".
4) Virtual signalling on social media. 


*If you dare to propose sensible limits on immigration, and suggest that the homeless native population should be housed first then you are a RACIST.
*If you suggest that having an entire month devoted to pride is slightly excessive. While just a single day is devoted to war veterans. You are HOMOPHOBIC
Don't want to date an overweight woman despite the fact she would never date an overweight man then you are FATPHOBIC
*It's fine for women to have 10 point check lists of completely unrealistic requirements for men but the second a man wants a slim, feminine, low body count woman he's a Misogynist
* Complain about teachers giving higher marks to girls at school or women getting lesser punishments then men for committing the same crime. Your just a winey basement dwelling loser
* It's impossible now to say anything even remotely negative about women no matter how factually correct without being labelled an INCEL

Yes women and minority groups were treated horribly in the past but blatantly overcompensating for this and taking it out on men today who weren't even born then will just bring out another evil. The right wingers in turn will overcompensate themselves which is why Trump won the election. For an excellent example from the film industry watch the video WHAT IS WOKE

Unlike a lot of people in the manosphere I do actually agree with left wingers on some issues.

Take the covid pandemic, I supported lockdowns, mask wearing and vaccination. I received a positive response for bashing the ridiculous claims made by scientifically illiterate (mostly) American right wingers. When the black lives matter protests kicked off in the Uk. I objected on the basis that they were helping spread the virus while I was obeying lockdown rules. One Canadian Facebook friend argued that these protests were more important that the roughly 1000 people a day dying in hospitals and our national health service being stretched to breaking out. When I objected she unfriended me.

I was following a twitter user called Badmedicaltakes. Who at the time was mostly bashing the above mentioned American right wingers. Later I started asking why men who desire a low body count woman qualifies as a "bad medical take". I also asked why this account didn't give a single mention on the subject of fat acceptance. Obesity causes countless premature deaths a year as well as overloading the healthcare system.
The response to these questions....... I was blocked

 Left wingers and feminists have created the very monster they now despise.

In my article on Incels I pointed out how men are being bombarded with the message that they need to be effeminate "nice guys". Men who follow this advice find themselves, used ignored and friend zoned. The women who give this advice then act completely shocked and baffled then these men out of sheer anger and frustration turn to help from lunatics like Andrew Tate.

The culture of blaming men for everything wrong in society, especially straight white men and the subsequent election of Trump is a similar problem. 

The left wingers won't learn even after this.

The correct response to Trumps victory would be to acknowledge the above and more importantly act on it. In the 48 hours after the result was announced I have seen the following.

Sex strikes, some women have announced that they are avoiding sex with either Trump voters or all men. The irony being that if women were this disciplined and only had sex with men that showed long term compatibility. There wouldn't be such a large need for a abortion or a massive single motherhood problem. 

Doubling down on their ideology's. In the left wingers mind Trumps election is "irrefutable proof" that men are more far right, extremist, terrorist, sexist, misogynistic, racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, useless, selfish, fascist, Nazi, trash, deplorable, garbage, bitter Incels etc. Than they ever imagined. There will be even more demands for internet censorship and the lumping together of moderate MRAs with lunatics like Andrew Tate.

I'm sure the Uk government are watching with interest and doing the same with planned laws against "misogyny" in the pipeline. I wouldn't be surprised if a similar Trump like figure started gaining popularity as a result.


Personally I see Trumps victory is a great screw you to the man hating woke left. On the other hand it's a terrible day for scientific progress

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