"What we find attractive isn't an accident. It’s evolved for millions of years. Women want men with good genes and the resources to provide for her and her children. And men want young, fertile women who exhibit good motherly traits like gentleness." ECCENTRIK HAT - TWITTER

Evolution gave humans 2 strange body modifications, walking on 2 legs that requires a narrow pelvis and big brains that gave babies big heads. Obstetrical dilemma - Wikipedia
As a result we had to be born prematurely, females had to rely on the provisioning of males for the offspring to survive. 

The optimum reproductive strategy for men and women are very different. Men evolved for QUANTITY, impregnate as many women as possible to maximise the odds of passing on genes.
Top 10 MEN With The MOST KIDS - YouTube
In practice only a tiny proportion of men achieve this. Plan B for men would be to shoot for long term provisioning with one woman instead.

Women are limited in how many offspring they can have so they evolved for QUAILITY. Pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous sometimes even life threatening so getting mate selection wrong could have severe consequences. Women need a man who who has 1) good genetics (alpha male) and 2) is a good long term provider (beta male). But like men few women actually achieve the optimum reproductive strategy.

PLAN A - Find a man with both good genetics and good provider qualities. These are almost never found in the same man but it doesn't stop modern women spending decades of their lives trying to find him. Women’s Greatest Problem: The Myth of the Submissive Alpha Male - Alpha Male 2.0 ( 

PLAN B - Find an Alpha male, have his babies then attempt to convert him into a Beta male. This is where the female fantasy of changing / taming / fixing a bad boy comes from. The high rates of single motherhood show how unsuccessful this actually is.

PLAN C - Find an Alpha male, have his babies, then when the relationship fails find a Beta male to help raise his children. This is why a woman who spent her 20s dating tattooed gym rats suddenly decides she want a normal nice guy with a job in accounts when she hits middle age.

Obviously men's and women's optimum reproductive strategy directly conflict with each other. This is the root cause of the conflict between the sexes. 

A man who marries a single mother and helps raise another mans children is applauded by women because he is complying with women's reproductive strategy at the expense of his own. 

A middle aged man who dates younger women is usually shamed by women for complying with his own reproductive strategy. Check out the comments section next time you see an article about Leonardo DiCaprio with his latest 25 year old model. It will be full of hate telling him "grow up", "settle down" and "date women his own age". Yet none of them will attack these women for knowingly dating a man with a long track record of using and discarding dozens of women who came before them.


Our primeval biology and what is deemed acceptable to society also conflict.

A man who gets a women pregnant then walks away is deemed a "dead beat dad" by society. Biologically he is a success for passing on his genes with the minimum amount of investment.

A woman who has 4 kids with 4 different men is deemed a "welfare queen" by society. Biologically she is a success for passing on 4 copies of her genes with the maximum amount of  genetic variation.

A man who supports a single mother is deemed a good man for "stepping up" by society. Biologically he is a failure for raising another man's children.

A childless career women is deemed a success by society but biologically she is also a failure.


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