"Getting married in the 21st century is like building a house on land you will never own" 

Disclaimer - In many countries co habitation after a certain length of time can be treated by the law as actual marriage Cohabitation – your rights | The Law Society

Why modern marriage fails

The law is almost always on her side if it fails -  Marriage laws were written when most men were traditional breadwinners and most women were stay at home wives. There is nothing to stop her making up any story and you will be guilty until proven innocent. If there are children involved multiply this by a factor of ten. Getting married is like betting your future life, wealth and sanity on a woman not changing her mind.

Divorce - More than half of marriages end this way with the woman initiating two thirds of them. She can just decide to quit and any time and will often get rewarded for doing so. Even if you could prove 100% in court that you did nothing wrong.

Cheating (her) - Technology and social acceptance makes it easier for her to cheat than ever. If this happens you have 2 choices. 1) Dump her and face the legal and financial nightmare that follows. Or 2) Forgive her, the very act of taking her back confirms that you are an optionless beta male and will downgrade her attraction to you even further.

It's a one sided deal now - A woman once gave her youth, beauty, and sexual exclusivity. In return the man took care of her financially for the rest of her life. Today the average woman settles down much later, the idea of her being sexually exclusive to one man is just a joke. Yet the man is still expected to comply with the traditional marriage contract.

Dead bedroom - At the time of writing dead bedrooms on reddit has 409000 members. It's one of the most common complaints from men who are in long term relationships. Sometimes using sex as a bargaining chip. None of these men were complaining about sexual frequency when they first signed up for living together or marriage. She probably innated a lot of the sex herself. 

Not getting her sexual best - More and more men are discovering that their sexually reserved wives were far more adventurous with the players and bad boys who came before them. Paying for a woman's sexual retirement, no thanks !!!

She changes personality - Complains about his friends, habits or hobbies when married that she had no issue with when casually dating. Complying with her demands will just lead to more demands and reduced attraction.

She changes physically - Take a look at the wife of Pierce Brosnan who piled on the weight after marriage. Say what you want, but the simple fact is that he would never had gone near her if she looked like that when they first met. If it can happen to a James Bond actor what chance have the rest of us got.

Cheating (you) - If she gets fat, bitchy, sexless and you have options elsewhere. You will be seriously temped to use them. The odds are you will get caught and society will treat you a lot differently than if she had cheated on you. 

Statistically speaking, you will never be happily married. If you survive all of the above the most likely outcome is a boring or stressful marriage that drags on for decades. Many of your great grandparents back in the "good old days" had marriages that were like this. Too many people today are stuck in marriages they would be better off out of but can't leave because of social or financial reasons.

Further reading What "Successful" Old Age Looks Like - Alpha Male 2.0 (

There will always be high school sweethearts that are still happy together after a lifetime of marriage but these are the big exception (maybe 3% of the population) rather than the rule.



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